And it begins....

This is a hello, bonjour, and/or guten tag to any and all who happen upon this blog.  I like many others before me and many will after have fallen for the allure and promise of a quick buck from working at a restaurant.  And while it is still possible to make a killing, I find myself questioning if its really worth it, the constant degragation and headaches that result from working a single shift on the floor.  Then of course I snap back to reality and realize where I am.  Where am I you ask? I'm at a corporate pizzeria, yes thats right, wearing a ridiculous get up and feigning a smile as I pass through the dining room pretending that I give a crap if your meal is ok, and that each time I say yes sir I die a little inside.  I am a student by trade, which is a title I desperately cling to as I fight to remain in school and I am dying for a day off.  Wheew, ok now that I am done venting (for the moment) I would like to say that I do in fact feel bad if any customers have a bad time, as I do my best to make your experience pleasant.  I also say that at times working in a restaraunt can be an enriching experience as it has opened my eyes to a great many things about what life means, and the value of empathy.  But here I am rambling again, I better go, my customer is snapping his fingers at me to get my attention, hmm, time for another fake smile.


Anonymous said...

Say ello to my little friend! Nice postings! Keep em coming:)